报 告 人:徐志平 教授(清华大学)
Particles such as electrons and atoms/ions carry mass or information in motion, which can be used to conduct mass, energy transfer, and computational tasks. Liquids under nanoconfinement could be more structured than their bulk counterpart with disordered molecular structures. The newly arising orders reduces the entropy of molecular and ionic species and can be used to accommodate a few states of configuration. Combined with the diminishing boundary friction at atomistically smooth walls such as graphene, the dynamics of solution molecules and solved ions can be controlled and manipulated with low energy cost. In this talk, I will show how the molecular structures and dynamics of ion solvation is renormalized under nanoconfinement, and how the paired configuration of cations and anions are used to construct nanofluidic computers.
徐志平博士于2002、2007年分别获得清华大学学士、博士学位,此后在美国Rice大学 (2007-2008) 和麻省理工学院 (2008-2010) 从事博士后研究工作,2010年起供职于清华大学航天航空学院,现任工程力学系教授。徐志平博士当前的研究兴趣有(1)微纳米尺度物质与能量输运过程;(2)材料生长、微结构演化动力学与服役行为。