

20221129日下午,新加坡南洋理工大学陈晓东教授应邀为我校师生作题为“Artificial Sense Technology”的线上学术报告。会议由国际前沿科学研究院副院长张助华教授主持,郭万林院士和前沿院及相关学院近百名师生参加了此次学术活动。



陈晓东教授用生动有趣的方式讲解了人工感知技术的原理和取得的研究成果,他的报告引起了师生们的强烈共鸣。在最后的交流互动环节中,师生们反响热烈,材料、电信号、仿生技术等方面的科学问题踊跃请教陈教授均一一解答。此外,作为ACS Nano期刊的主编,陈晓东教授还详细解答了师生们关于投稿方面的问题。他强调ACS Nano比较看重论文的创新性、系统性和实验可重复性等,并对如何提高编辑对稿件的兴趣给出了建议报告之后,在场师生纷纷表示收获颇多,有助于启发他们产出更多高质量、有影响力的研究成果。


       Professor Xiaodong Chen is the President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Chemistry (by courtesy) and Medicine (by courtesy) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), and Scientific Director at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). He is the Director of Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX) at NTU, the Director of Max Planck – NTU Joint Lab for Artificial Senses, and the Deputy Director of Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Center. His current research interests include mechano-materials science and engineering, flexible electronics technology, sense digitalization, cyber-human interfaces and systems, and carbon negative technology. So far, he has published more than 380 high-profiled papers and filed/applied more than 40 patents.

       He is the Editor-in-Chief of ACS Nano, a flagship journal in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and serves as editorial advisory board member for various international journals, including Adv. Mater., Small, and Nanoscale Horizons. He has been elected as Fellow of Singapore National Academy of Science and the Academy of Engineering Singapore. In addition, he was recognized by multiple prestigious awards and honors including Singapore President’s Science Award, Singapore NRF Investigatorship, Small Young Innovator Award, Singapore NRF Fellowship, Nanyang Research Award, Lubrizol Young Materials Science Investigator Award, Mitsui Chemicals-SNIC Industry Award in Materials and Nano-chemistry, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, and Fellow of Chinese Chemical Society.

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