Siyuan Jia1 ∙ Meijiao Huang1 ∙ Xiaofeng Jiang1 ∙ Chun Shen1 ∙ Sen Chen1 ∙ Guowen Meng2 ∙ ∙ Wanlin Guo1
The daytime radiative cooling technique effectively dissipates heat by emitting thermal radiation while re f lecting a majority of sunlight. However, its compatibility with solar cells for efficient energy conversion hasposedchallengesduetotheneedtoreflectsunlight.Herein,wehavesuccessfullydevelopedatransmis sion-type daytime radiation cooling system and designed a tandem structure that integrates daytime radia tive coolingwithsolarcells.Thisdeviceachievedupto40W/m2coolingpowerdensityandupto103.33W/m2 photovoltaic power density in sunny weather conditions (with a solar cell power conversion efficiency of 11.42% and a bare solar cell efficiency of 12.92%). Simulation results demonstrate that increasing the heat transfer efficiency of cooling and reducing the absorptivity in the sunlight band of the emitter can further enhance device performance. This outcome presents a novel approach toward enhancing the practical implementation of tandem daytime radiative cooling and solar power generation.