Warmly welcome new teachers to join IFS!

Warmly welcome new teachers to join IFS!

​Dean's message:"Institute for Frontier Science is our common home and the birthplace of future careers. Welcome everyone! Let's build a homeland culture that is brave, striving, and united to create. "

Professor Zhuhua Zhang and Academician Wanlin Guo'research team of Institute for Frontier Science has achieved important cooperative results in single atomic layer catalysis

Professor Zhuhua Zhang and Academician Wanlin Guo'research team of Institute for Frontier Science has achieved important cooperative results in single atomic layer catalysis

Recently, Professor Zhang Zhuhua from the International Institute of Frontier Sciences (hereinafter referred to as Frontier Institute) of our school, Professor He Yongmin from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Hunan University, and Professor Liu Zheng from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore cooperated with the team to conduct accurate first-principles calculations and experiments. In combination, a single-atom-layer noble metal catalyst was designed. The research resul



近日,我校航空学院张助华教授和湖南大学化学化工学院何勇民教授、新加坡南洋理工大学刘政教授团队合作,通过精确第一性原理计算与实验相结合的方式,设计了单原子层贵金属催化剂,该研究成果以“Amorphizing noble metal chalcogenide catalysts at the single-layer limit towards hydrogen production”为题在线发表在《Nature Catalysis》,并入选三月杂志封面。合理设计贵金属催化剂,并提高其利用率对工业应用来说至关重要。当前,具有高活性和选择性的贵金属催化剂(如铂、钯等)常被用于电解水产氢,燃料电池和空气电池等能源领域。然而,地球储量稀少(如铂地壳含量仅为亿分之五)和成本高昂(如铂200-250元/g)阻碍了贵金属催化剂的大规模应用。以汽车市场为例,为了满足燃料电池系统的成本控制需求,电池中的Pt含量已从2018 年的0.117 g/kWgross减少为2020 年的0.108 g/kWgross,预计在2025 年将降至0.064 g/kWgross。因此,如何提高贵金属利用率是当前研究的主要



​院长寄语:“前沿院是大家共同的家园,未来事业的发祥地,欢迎各位!共建勇立潮头、奋发有为、团结创造的家园文化。” 欢迎各位老师加盟国际前沿科学研究院,大家一起向未来!

Congratulations to our university for holding  the inaugural meeting of the Institute for Frontier Science

Congratulations to our university for holding the inaugural meeting of the Institute for Frontier Science

On the morning of June 9, the inaugural meeting of the International Frontier Science Research Institute of our school was grandly held in the Shaw Science Museum of the Ming Palace Campus. Xia Bing, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Xie Sishen, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Youwei, Liu Zhongfan, Huang Wei, Cheng Huiming, Rui Xiaoting, Meng Guowen, a researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, H



2021年6月9日上午,我校国际前沿科学研究院成立大会在明故宫校区逸夫科学馆隆重举行。江苏省科技厅副厅长夏冰、中国科学院院士解思深、都有为、刘忠范、黄维、成会明、芮筱亭,中国科学院固体物理研究所研究员孟国文,南京大学教授胡征、万贤纲,东南大学教授顾宁、陈云飞,中国科学技术大学教授吴恒安,党委书记郑永安,校长单忠德,副校长许希武、黄志球、宋迎东,党委常委、组织部部长李遥,党委常委、宣传部/教师工作部部长王晖,校长助理吴启晖、刘宇雷等出席活动。会议由副校长姜斌主持。 郑永安指出,建设前沿院是学校深刻把握全球战略前沿技术与发展趋势,主动服务国家重大战略需求的重要部署,是优化高层次人才成长和发展环境、加快推进航空航天民航特色鲜明世界一流大学的重要举措。他强调,前沿院要瞄准科技前沿和关键领域,更加积极主动服务国家重大战略需求。全校各职能部门要密切配合,扎实推动前沿院建设发展。他要求,要提高站位,牢牢把握“基础研究的主力军和重大科技突破的生力

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